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Elizabeth Ross, LMFT, LPC

We are each creatively designed by our Heavenly Father, with a divine purpose.   All healing which embraces His Presence is designed to benefit Him for His purpose.  He partners with us.  We benefit in immeasurable ways as we live out of the freedom and abundance of all He has to offer.


If I would have read those words before I started my own healing journey I would not have even been able to comprehend that I have an identity in Him or that He is a Good Father or even cared about me.


Many years later I do believe those words with all of my heart.  My desire is to journey with you, to allow the Holy Spirit to minister to your spirit, soul and body for complete healing.


My personal history and recovery gives me great passion and compassion to walk alongside those who are suffering emotionally and spiritually.  John 12:27-28; What shall I say?  “Father save me from this hour?  But for this purpose I came to this hour”.  “Father glorify your name”. 


As Oswald Chambers said in My Utmost To His Highest, “As a saint of God, my attitude toward sorrow and difficulty should not be to ask that they are prevented, but to ask that God protects me so that I may remain who He created me to be, in spite of all my of fires and sorrow.”

”If you will receive yourself in the fires of sorrow, God will make you nourishment for other people.” That is my heart’s desire, to be nourishment for other people. I consider this both humbling and an honor.


In this season of my life, I want nothing more than to pour out all He wants of me; to be “present” with people, to “see” them and to walk with them from a place of surviving to a place of thriving.


  • Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist   LMFT #683

  • Licensed Professional Counselor  LPC #3577

  • 1979  Adams State College  M.A. Counseling

  • 2003  The Colorado School for Family Therapy  Post-Graduate Studies

  • 2007  Splankna Level 1 Certification

  • 2008  Splankna Advanced Level Certification

  • 2013 Master Level Splankna Certification

  • Professional Experience: Licensed and in Private practice since 2003


  • Splankna Therapy

  • Childhood Sexual Trauma

  • Grief and Loss

  • Codependency

  • PTSD/Trauma

  • Abortion Recovery

  • Anxiety and Depression

  • Licensure Supervision

Splankna therapy as designed by the Splankna Research Institute offers a Christian protocol for Mind-Body work developed from an integration of Neuro-Emotional Technique, Thought Field Therapy (Eye-Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing), and spiritual warfare. It provides a straight forward, mechanistic treatment protocol for alleviating a wide range of psychological and physical symptoms through both a healing protocol and creative protocol. It attempts to address symptoms comprehensively, attending to the physical, emotional and spiritual aspects of the problem and its solution.

Elizabeth also offers transformational prayer. “Transformational prayer is defined as a ministry of the Holy Spirit, moving through a Christian caregiver, bringing the Healing Presence of Jesus Christ into the place of pain and brokenness within a wounded
person," Terry Wardle.

Spiritual direction, inner healing and deliverance is also available.


Elizabeth 5.2019

Elizabeth Ross,

(719) 339-4179

©2022 YOUnify Counseling All Rights Reserved

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